Local Issues
IHA’s advocacy reach extends to the local level, where policy decisions by government leaders impact patients in the communities where they live. IHA urges local governments to invest in healthcare.
- Chicago
- Cook County
Reject Costly Tax on Chicago Healthcare, Protect Healthcare Access for Chicagoans
A new local tax, referred to as a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT), on nonprofits is being considered
to support Chicago’s billion-dollar budget gap.
IHA Submits Written Testimony on Proposed Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance
The Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) recently submitted written testimony on the proposed Clearn and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO).
Further Delay: Chicago Requirement on Nonprofits to Register as Lobbyists
The City of Chicago has delayed the implementation of new registration requirements on nonprofit lobbyists until Jan. 1, 2021.
City of Chicago Ordinance Requires Nonprofits to Register as Lobbyists
An ordinance passed by the Chicago City Council, effective Jan. 1, 2020, imposes new registration requirements on nonprofit lobbyists.
IHA Summary: Key Requirements of Chicago Fair Workweek Ordinance
On July 24, the Chicago City Council voted 50-0 to approve the “Fair Workweek” Ordinance.
IHA Withdraws Opposition to Negotiated “Fair Workweek” Ordinance
As a result of intense discussions and negotiations with the Mayor, many critical revisions sought by IHA are included in the “Fair Workweek” ordinance proposal.
Urge Aldermen to Include IHA’s Changes to Substitute Fair Workweek Ordinance & Oppose as Drafted
IHA opposes the substitute ordinance as currently drafted and is seeking critical changes to the ordinance.
IHA’s Recommended Revisions to Substitute “Fair Workweek” Ordinance Proposal
IHA submitted detailed comments and suggested changes to the July 17 Draft Substitute Ordinance to the Mayor’s Office.
IHA Alert: Oppose Restrictive Scheduling Ordinance as Drafted, Support IHA’s Recommended Changes
The Chicago City Council’s Workforce Development Committee is expected to vote on the ordinance on Monday, July 22.
IHA Update on Chicago Work Scheduling Ordinance
IHA is continuing to aggressively advocate for hospitals to be entirely exempt from the “Fair Workweek” ordinance proposal.
IHA Alert: Urge Aldermen to Exclude Hospitals from Restrictive Scheduling Ordinance
The Chicago City Council’s Committee on Workforce Development will hold a hearing on the “Fair Workweek” ordinance on June 10.
Oppose Any Work Scheduling Ordinance Proposal that Includes Hospitals
The Chicago City Council is expected to consider a restrictive scheduling ordinance proposal (known as the “Fair Workweek” ordinance) at its April 10 meeting.
Paid Sick Leave Rules
IHA's offered several suggestions on the City of Chicago's proposed paid sick leave rules in a comment letter to the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection.
Community Benefits
Non-profit hospitals in Chicago provide approximately $1.81 billion in community benefits a year, with $221 million for education, $220 million for charity care and $120 million for research.
Chicago Profile Fact Sheet
The 41 hospitals in Chicago handle 368,581 inpatient admissions and 7.4 million outpatient visits in a year. Together they have an economic impact of $26.5 billion and provide 139,462 jobs.
Chicago FY2018 Budget
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's proposed $8.58 billion budget for FY2018 did not raise general citywide taxes or fees but included an increase on 9-1-1 fees on wireless and landline connections.
Chicago and Cook County Legislative Updates
IHA is tracking proposed Chicago City Council ordinances, including pharmacy work rules, workweek mandates impacting hospital scheduling and Cook County Medical Examiner fee increases.
March 30 Flexible Housing Pool Webinar
IHA is hosting a webinar on Mon., March 30, from 10-11 a.m. for hospitals and health systems in Cook County to learn more about the Chicago and Cook County Flexible Housing Pool.
Sick Leave Ordinance Comment Letter
In a comment letter to the Cook County Commission on Human Rights, IHA outlines how the county's earned sick leave ordinance would impact hospitals and healthcare workers.
Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage Opt-Outs
More than 80 municipalities have opted out of Cook County ordinances mandating paid sick leave and a $10-an-hour minimum wage. See a list of these municipalities.
Cook County Profile Fact Sheet
The 73 hospitals in Cook County handle 720,951 inpatient admissions and 15.6 million outpatient visits in a year. They have a combined economic impact of $46 billion and provide 250,161 jobs.
Community Benefits
Non-profit hospitals in Cook County provide $3 billion in community benefits a year. Of that amount, $371 million is for education, $341 million is for charity care and $130 million is for research.